Awarding Fellowship in ASHP is one means by which ASHP fosters and rewards pharmacists who have excelled in pharmacy practice and distinguished themselves through service and contributions to ASHP.  Successful candidates for Fellow status will have made a sustained contribution to ASHP and will have demonstrated a high level of excellence in pharmacy practice in acute and ambulatory care settings.

To be eligible for consideration, an applicant must be a current practitioner member of ASHP and have sustained membership in ASHP for at least ten years, have a record of outstanding service to the profession through active involvement in ASHP, and at least ten years of professional experience and achievements in pharmacy practice in acute and ambulatory care settings from the time of licensure.

Please complete the application in its entirety. The deadline for submission is October 1.

If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Member Relations at You may also visit the ASHP web-page: